Lady Over All - Brokenness to Wholeness

Hidden Brokenness In Our Soul

Something was wrong! I had no idea what it was or how to explain what I was feeling. All I knew – I had a persistent battle in my soul. I had an emptiness, a void I was unable to fill. I share how God restored me to wholeness, testimonies, and the many lessons I am learning in my time with Jesus. I pray you would be encouraged!

Food for thought – could you be living with hidden brokenness as I was? Well… jump right in to find out!


You are a gift to the world and to your family. You are a masterpiece and the apple of God’s eye. He made you for a purpose . Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.


Welcome to my little piece of the web. I am delighted you are here! For the gentlemen, are you spies? Kidding, welcome to you as well, spies!

Onto the fun stuff, I love Jesus with every fibre in my body! He is my knight in shining armour. He saved me and changed the trajectory of my life. He has won and continues to win battles on my behalf. My heart is to share his love with you. I re-discovered God in the year 2020 – he captured and captivated my heart. I fall deeper in love with him each day as I develop an intimate relationship with him! He is the centre of my life and my True North!

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