

Heya Pretty Lady,

Welcome to my little piece of the web. I am delighted you are here! For the gentlemen, are you spies? Kidding, welcome to you as well, spies!

Onto the fun stuff, I love Jesus with every fibre in my body! He is my knight in shining armour. He saved me and changed the trajectory of my life. He has won and continues to win battles on my behalf. My heart is to share his love with you. I re-discovered God in the year 2020 – he captured and captivated my heart. I fall deeper in love with him each day as I develop an intimate relationship with him! He is the centre of my life and my True North!

If I am being honest, I have made my share of mistakes. I am imperfect and depend on the perfection of God. I thank God for Grace. I was once confident in my ability to handle life – how hard could it be? I lived as best as I saw fit, for the most part.

I am thankful my parents introduced God to me at an early age. I, however, neglected to develop my intimate relationship with him, independent from theirs. I trusted in my wisdom and took God down from the dusty shelf on Sundays.

I neglected one simple fact – God made life! One would not try to figure out a new gadget without consulting the manual, right? One equally cannot assume to know how to live without consulting the bible. For optimal performance, we consult a manual – the vision of the manufacturer – when we buy a gadget. Likewise, we ought to consult the bible – the vision of God – in life.

Trusting in my wisdom led me to some dark places! I fell into a pit, and I lost my way. I called out to God! He came along, pulled me out with his light – Love. He welcomed me with arms wide open without reproach, condemnation, or judgement. God is amazing – he is Love personified.

There I was, the perfect example of the prodigal son, in this case, the prodigal daughter, but you get the point! His perfect Grace empowers me to live in freedom. The beautiful thing is that I did nothing except deciding to go back to him. Most of us think we have to change some parts of ourselves first before we come to Jesus. Nothing could be further from the truth! He wants us as we are – besides, we cannot change ourselves! I came to him as I was – in my mess. HE did all the work, and transformation was the result.

Something astonishing takes place when Grace is unveiled and understood. Every part of my being was awakened to the truth – God loved me deeply – to the point of death! I could no longer take his sacrifice for granted. I loved him, and I desired to honour him – after all, he first loved me! After I came to my senses, I went back to him. He ran to me with forgiveness in his heart – no questions asked! I have never known such love – I was flabbergasted – it is beyond human understanding. His grace takes us back time and time again! Our part is to say yes to him wholly and completely, and he does all the work – speak of a sweet deal! It still boggles my mind!

“So what is her deal?” is the question you could be asking yourself. Here it is, I found myself in a dark place. I had a persistent battle in my soul (mind, emotions, and will) – an emptiness I could not fill by any means.

If we are honest, we go through a fair amount as ladies – hurts, rejection, heartbreak, betrayals, all manner of abuse, the list goes on. These experiences can bring about internal brokenness or feelings of incompleteness.

My name is Brenda – my loved ones call me “Bee”. I am 37 years old and single. I once was married – it ended in tears! I am super emotional; I bawl out at movies most people would not cry over (has anyone watched “Babe – Pig in the city!”)

I was born in Malawi, but Johannesburg, South Africa has been home for more than 20 years. It was the mid-90s, and my parents packed up their lives and four kids (can you imagine that? an entire four kids!) in search of greener pastures in South Africa. I will forever be grateful to my parents for their bravery. Migrating opened up a much-needed opportunity for us.

I am thankful my parents introduced God to us at an early age. I enjoy writing, keeping fit, road trips, food, the beach, sunsets. I love handbags and cooking for my family. Can we agree that Michael Jackson was the greatest entertainer that ever lived? May his soul continue to rest in perfect peace.

In the blog, I share how God revealed the battle that persisted in my soul and how it came about. I also share how he restored me to wholeness and the many lessons I am learning in my time with him.

God desires to heal our past hurts and experiences – to make us whole. He also longs to reveal our purpose to us!

My prayer is that you would leave this space encouraged and long for a deeper relationship with him. And you would long to know this God of restoration if you do not. You are his masterpiece and the apple of his eye!

You are Valued and Loved by Jesus! Catch you on the other side!